Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Red Fish, Blue Fish

We've been taking turns being sick-5 days at a time, so I apologize for not posting in a while-whew! Glad that's over!!

Today is a new day and I have to say, I'm feeling great! I've joined up with Michelle at and her fabulous idea of taking pics of crafts you've made in a particular color and work your way through the rainbow. (If you get a chance you've gotta check out her site...tre' cool!) Since there are no rules my pics may not all be of crafts, but...they will begin with it :D

Therefore I bring you "Red fish, Blue fish". The waldorf inspired fishing game!

I made a number of these sets for an Easter Craft Swap that I was involved in. The idea was to make something that could go into an Easter basket. This is a dominantly natural materials crafting group (with some exceptions), so I used 100% cotton flannel, wool for the stuffing, and abalone shell buttons for the eyes. Oh yeah, and yes...I did ship the stick poles with each set. I actually had to think twice, when they asked if I was shipping anything that could injure someone-lol

They're actually very simple to make.

For the fish:

You simply cut out a pattern for the fish. I embroidered scales with shing starts at the end of each. Then sew on eyes or embroider using a french knot stitch. Then you sew it together with embroidery floss. I used only 2 threads and a blanket stitch. Stuff it with wool. Don't forget to sew washers onto their mouths.

You can take a stick or dowel and tie a string around it. I used Martha Stewart's baking twine. Then add magnet to the bottom of the string. Then Voila!

I got the idea from the book, "Creative Play for Your Toddler" by Christopher Clouder. This is a great book for anyone into Waldorf education or natural parenting. I highly recommend it as a great resource for making your own natural toys. It get's Lovesnest's 5 stars approval!! If you get the chance...check it out!

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